Adding Up The Value

The value of working with us and the value of homeownership.

The Value of Dori Homes

We go the extra mile to provide you with all of the information you need to make a decision on your first visit to our office. When you contact a Dori Homes information specialist, you not only learn about our company, you receive all the details you could possibly need about your new community and the surrounding area. Learn about nearby schools, hospitals, fire and police departments, grocery stores, entertainment and more. We are committed to making the process of purchasing a home as simple as possible.

The Value of Owning Your Home

Curious about financing? Dori Homes will even calculate your monthly investment down to the penny – including taxes and homeowner dues. Why make the change from renting to owning? When you own, your financial investment goes toward an asset: a home that is yours. Your payment won’t get higher and higher each year. No more money going down the drain! We are happy to offer multiple financing options through our preferred lenders, so we can find a monthly payment that works for your family and budget.

Our goal is to help thousands of families realize the “American Dream” of homeownership. What are you waiting for? Meet with us today, and we’ll show you how owning a Dori home is more attainable today than ever before.